Mgr Keith Newton praises St Barnabas Society

20 10 2011

Mgr Newton spoke at a reception for the St Barnabas Society. Please consider supporting the Society, which has been so generous in aiding the establishment of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. This report from the Catholic Herald:


At a reception at Archbishop’s House, in the presence of some 80 invited guests, Archbishop Nichols thanked the SBS for its work and its support of those in need, as did Mgr Newton, who reminded those present that the only true motive for coming into the Catholic Church was to seek full communion with the See of Peter and not a reaction to anything which might occur in the Church of England.

He predicted that the ordinariate would swell in numbers in future years but thought that the number of clergy coming into full communion in the traditional way, by seeking to join dioceses, was also likely to increase.

